Sinan Dede

Informatics Engineer

Hello, I am an Informatics Engineer living in Greece Komotini.
I went to a technical high school and I learned basics of electronic components, design and construction of analog/digital circuits.
I have bachelor degree of Informatics Engineering from International Hellenic Univercity Kavala-Greece.
I made my graduation project on price prediction with supervised machine learning models using python programming language.


My Professional Skills

Currently I build desktop, android and web applications.
I can also design topography and floor plans at beginner level.

Python 38%
Java 18%
C# 18%
JavaScript 18%
AutoCAD 8%

Informatics Engineer

Algorithms and Data Structures
Databases and Information Retrieval
Data Extraction
Data Conversion
Software Technology and Engineering
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems
HumanComputer Interaction

Android Developer

Api Integration
Room Database
Single Activity Apps
Multi Modular Applications
Custom Views
Material Design
Figma to Android

Web Developer


  • Simple weather application using html, css, javascript and api connection

    github link


  • Website for online pc store made with html, css, javascript and colorlib theme

    website link


  • Android application made with Python Kivymd framework

    github link


  • Desktop Application made with Pytohn Tkinter

    github link


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    69100, Asomatoi, Komotini-Greece


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